Friday, January 30, 2015

Day 19- Let it Shine! (Free, Happy, Me)

Rockin' the purple hair.
 “As we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give others permission to do the same.” -Marianne Williamson
One thing that I love about a vegan lifestyle is that it's non-conforming. It’s a personal revolution and utter rebellion to say, “I will not buy into an industry that is cruel, does not care about my health, and is followed as a matter of convenience for most.” When you order your meal without meat and without cheese, you’ve probably already noticed some of the reactions. It’s confusion, raised eyebrows, sometimes even hostility – especially if you don’t live on the West Coast, USA. Now add gluten-free and watch heads explode, watch the eyes bug out like you just showed your scales.

Freston agrees, “Our challenge as humans is always to love the part of ourselves that is rejected and disowned. When we come to terms with the part of us that is vulnerable, we arrive at a deeper inner peace, and thus are able to act in the world a bit more peacefully.”

A couple of weeks ago, I was sitting in a restaurant and overheard a young woman saying, “I felt so emotional. I know, I told him. I’m so crazy!” This struck a chord with me as I remembered saying the same thing more times than I would like to admit. My heart moved for this girl. Why should we be labeled as "crazy" for letting ourselves emotionally react? For being ourselves? 

Why do we tuck these emotions, these eccentricities away? We are all unique, with differing needs, interests, bodies. Yet, our culture has groomed many of us into competitive versions of the same prototype. It makes us more apt to buy things, to stay in line by striving for sameness, constantly asking ourselves, “Is this okay? What will they think?”
“The system does not want us to know our own best selves, because if we do we then have no need to buy things that ‘they’ say are worthy and desirable. Satisfied people don’t buy as much stuff.” – The Minimalist Women’s Guide to Having it All
Let’s stop judging ourselves based on society’s imposed standards. How about judging based on our own heart’s standards? Or best yet, don’t judge yourself at all!

I am curvy. I don't have cable. I don’t eat animals. I talk to Angels and go to “church” in my prayers and meditations every day. Jeans are not my uniform. I use essential oils instead of running to the doctor. I work for myself. Totally weird? Not fitting into society? So? I’ve been exceedingly happier since realizing: It’s my choice how I live; what I wear, how to nourish my body, what’s important to me!  
“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.” - Dr. Seuss
Dear Past Self,
What a treat. After yesterday’s post, I found this piece in the cleanse series and it feels like a hug from...myself. Thank you for this message!
Present self to me/Future self to you

A meditation:
“I am free and I am me! I rejoice in my innocence and celebrate the gift of life. I offer gratitude for that which makes me unique, the refreshing quirkiness that only I can offer the world. This levity makes my spirit soar. I am happy, right now, and I am free!”

Enter a quirky, lesser known grain called kasha (cracked buckwheat.) It has a very nutty, earthy taste and is amazing in this salad.

Dijon Brown Rice & Kasha Salad

½ cup kasha (prepared according to box)
½ cup brown rice (prepared according to box)
1 red bell pepper – diced
1 yellow bell pepper- diced
1 avocado – diced
3 green onions, sliced
1 large tomato, diced
½ cucumber, diced
½ cup walnuts (bite-sized pieces)

¼ cup rice vinegar
½ TB Dijon mustard
1 tsp honey or maple syrup
½ tsp salt
½ tsp fresh ground pepper
2 cloves garlic- minced
¼ cup olive oil
(whisk together before pouring over salad)

Cook rice and kasha as directed on the package. Let cool for at least 1 hour. Add the rest of the ingredients. Pour dressing over the salad & mix well. Serve cold.

This serves about 8-10 people (or will make you tons of leftovers for lunches.) It’s great to bring to a family gathering and delicious. Someone always asks for the recipe. Enjoy!

Note: You can use any other veggies that you like, but the avocados, peppers, and nuts are very complimentary with the dressing. 

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