If you would like a really super-powered breakfast, try this smoothie:
1/4 avocado, 1 leaf kale, 1/2 green apple, 1/3 banana (Frozen), 1 tsp fresh minced ginger, a squeeze of lemon, and chia seeds soaked in water (1/4 -1/2 cup). Blend well. It's really refreshing, surprisingly sweet, and gave me a nice energy boost. Plus, that’s three servings of fruits and vegetables already!
Despite the smoothie, even as I’m writing this, I wish I could have a little sip of green tea to perk me up and help me focus just a tiny bit more. The No Caffeine rule has been, and still is, the toughest one for me. Why is it so important?
The 21 Day Quantum Wellness Cleanse shares that Caffeine:
• Is a central-nervous-system stimulant
• Affects perception, mood, and behavior
• Raises dopamine, increasing feelings of pleasure, but depleting future stores of dopamine, making you need more and more
• Blocks adenosine receptors, which calm you and help you sleep, leading to anxiety, restlessness, and inability to sleep (but it does not take away the need for sleep.)
• Exhausts the body by stimulating adrenaline production, also raising cortisol (stress hormone.) Extended overuse of caffeine leading to stress fatigue and high levels of cortisol can lead to: lowered thyroid function, cognitive problems, decreased bone density and muscle tissue, higher blood pressure, lowered immunity, raised inflammatory reaction in body
According to Kathy Freston,
“The very things we take caffeine for – more energy and mental focus – are sacrificed over the long term by ingesting it.”What to avoid:
Coffee, tea, caffeinated soda (or sodas with guarana), green tea
Energy drinks
Dark Chocolate
Coffee-flavored desserts
Medications containing caffeine
The reason we avoid the natural, less harmful types of caffeine like green tea is that we are letting the body truly be free of caffeine. We don't want to "limp along" with a caffeine addiction, which can still kick in even after a week of decaffeination.
Herbal tea
Decaf coffee
But watch that decaf! Sometimes drinking decaf coffee makes me crave regular coffee even more. That was actually responsible for many a backslide over the years (Oh, that sneaky frenemy, coffee!) Not to mention, I can't drink coffee (decaf or otherwise) without the sugar and chemical laden flavored coffee cream. So it's best for me to take it off the list.
And now for a recipe!
This is one of my favorites!
Mango Black Bean Sweet Potato
15 oz can black beans (drained & rinsed)
1 diced mango
½ cup diced tomato
1 minced jalapeno
2 tablespoons chopped cilantro
2 tablespoons red onion
1 tablespoon olive oil
Juice of 2 limes
Mix all ingredients in a bowl and serve over baked sweet potatoes. Yum!
How to bake sweet potatoes: Bake 50 minutes (or until tender) at 400 F (205 C). Split open, fluff with a fork, and stuff with mixture above.
This is perfect with a salad. This recipe serves four, so I find that I usually have enough topping to put on lettuce and it pretty much works as the dressing, too. I like to dice avocado for the salad and add cumin, peanut or canola oil, chili powder, and salt with a little more lime juice as dressing, but it’s not necessary.
Recipe from Food Network Magazine
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