Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Food, Glorious Food!

 It’s CSA day!  I just picked up my beautiful stash of local, organically grown veggies from the Geauga County Family Farms CSA.

According to Michael Pollan in his excellent “Eater’s Manifesto,” In Defense of Food, supermarkets have shifted from a focus on quality to quantity.  This has caused a decrease in nutrition for Americans.  He writes, “you now have to eat three apples to get the same amount of iron as you would have gotten from a single 1940 apple.” 

One of the major reasons for this is a change in the way we grow food.  Organic produce is higher in good-for-you minerals and also contain more phytochemicals – these are the secondary compounds that help plants fight disease – and can also help your immune system do the same with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits.

Pollan also writes, “local produce is typically picked ripe and is fresher than supermarket produce, and for those reasons it should be tastier and more nutritious.” 

So those are just a couple of the reasons that I have joined the CSA. 

Want another reason?  Look at this beautiful food!
Clockwise from tomato:  Lettuce, green onions (at top), spinach, kale, red lettuce, bok choy, sugar snap peas, strawberries, cherry tomatoes

Recipe tomorrow!  Can you guess what I will make tonight?  Hint:  Green onions, bok choy, spinach and peas will be starring in my kitchen.


  1. wait till you discover the joy of cooking with real ingredients.. mmmmm, just a whole, new great world of tastes, flavours, storis, memories... mmmmm, love cooking. can't wait for my holidays to start, so I can cook healthier every day with fresh vegetables, fresh fish from the market, fresh home-made bagels... mmmm

  2. I can't wait to see the recipie you post!!
