This is really awkward… I’m so sorry to have to be the one to tell you this, but your sweetheart, Sugar – she’s never going to love you back. As a matter of fact, your SweetTart, your Love, your Sugar…has been trying to kill you for years. I know it must be hard to hear. But from what I can see (the attempted murder and all), I’m not sure it’s going to work out between you two…
“Sugar is like crack, and food manufacturers know that if they add it to their products, you’ll keep coming back for more.” – Skinny Bitch
White sugar, often called an “antinutrient” actually steals nourishment from your body. It leaches vitamins and minerals from your blood and bones. That’s why you get cavities, as I’m sure you know, but it also leads to bone loss, depression, and weak blood.
Additionally, “Refined sugar, a simple carbohydrate, has been linked to hypoglycemia, yeast overgrowth, a weakened immune system, hyperactivity, attention deficit disorder, enlargement of the liver and kidneys, mental and emotional disorders, cavities, and an imbalance of neurotransmitters in the brain.” – Skinny Bitch
Not bad enough? White sugar is associated with cancer. “Cancer cells swarm to sugar like bees to honey, because it is an important source of food for them.” – The Engine 2 Diet, Rip Esselstyn
Sugar contributes to insulin resistance and diabetes, where your “blood sugar remains high, but your cells are starving.” – Kind Diet
Also according to Alicia Silverstone: “Sugar makes you fat…Because excess refined sugar converts to fat, every soda, every cupcake, and every candy bar is going straight to your thighs.”
Rip Esselstyn agrees, “When sugars are refined, adulterated, and processed, they become empty calories: They contain almost no nutritional value, can raise cholesterol levels, and make a beeline for your waistline.”
Did you know that it was the arrival of refined flour and sugar that brought disease to isolated areas? “Western diseases followed closely on the heels of the arrival of Western foods, particularly refined flour and sugar and other kinds of 'store food.'…When one Western disease arrived on the scene, so did most of the others and often in the same order: obesity followed by type 2 diabetes followed by hypertension and stroke followed by heart disease.” – In Defense of Food, an Eater’s Manifesto by Michael Pollan
According to Kathy Freston's Quantum Wellness Cleanse, “the most important thing to realize is that no matter how out of balance your system is, even if you have type 2 diabetes, you can do a great deal to get healthy again by cutting out sugars, refined carbs, and high-fructose corn syrup, and by exercising regularly.”
Continue to avoid:
- Soda (Deemed “Liquid Satan” in Skinny Bitch)
- Store-bought cookies, cakes, or pastries
- Candy
- Condiments that contain sugar or high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), which is processed even more than refined sugar
- Ice cream or frozen yogurt
- Other words for refined sugar on packages: evaporated cane juice, sugar, brown sugar, high fructose corn syrup, corn syrup, honey, barley malt, or beet sugar.
- Also, a tip from The Kind Diet: “All ingredients ending in “-ose” should be considered white sugar: Dextrose, glucose, sucrose, maltose, and fructose are all simple sugars.”
If you get a craving for sweets, these are some delicious substitutes:
- A piece of fruit (mango, apple, peach, banana, grapes, whatever you like!)
- You might just be thirsty – have some water with a squeeze and slice of lemon (or soak some cucumbers, oranges, or lemons in water for a couple of hours in a pitcher- so refreshing!)
- A spoonful of unsweetened, natural peanut butter- this has been my lifesaver. It tastes sweet and indulgent and the high protein and healthy fat keeps me full.
- Agave nectar (actually contains vitamins and minerals and does not affect blood-sugar levels), maple syrup, molasses, Stevia, brown rice syrup, Turbinado sugar, and raw sugar. Do not use artificial sweeteners. More on that tomorrow.
My dad used to start this sauce at 6am on Sundays to serve the family (early) dinner. Everyone loved getting an invitation to Joe’s for pasta! The longer it simmers, the sweeter it gets- that's one of the secrets.
Joe-Daddy’s Famous Sauce Goes Vegan!
2 TB olive oil
3 medium onions, diced large
4 cloves garlic, diced large
1 yellow bell pepper, diced small
9 roma tomatoes, skin peeled and crushed by hand (or a 32 oz can whole tomatoes)
1 small can tomato sauce (8 oz)
1 small can diced tomatoes (16 oz)
1 small can tomato paste (6 oz)
1 TB oregano + 1 tsp
1 TB basil + 1 tsp
2 tsp dried parsley + ½ tsp
½ TB garlic powder
½ tsp crushed red pepper
1 bay leaf
2 TB Molasses
Gluten-free Pasta of your choosing (quinoa pasta, brown rice pasta, etc.)
1. Heat the oil on medium. Once hot, add the onions. After about 2 minutes, add the spices (oregano, basil, parsley, red pepper & garlic powder- use the first measurement – the second comes later.) Stir.
2. Once onions are getting soft (about 3 more minutes), add the garlic and stir for 30 seconds until fragrant. Immediately add the crushed tomatoes.
3. Add tomato sauce, diced tomatoes, tomato paste (fill can once with water & add), bay leaf, and Molasses.
4. Bring to a gentle boil, then reduce heat to very low and simmer with lid tilted for 2.5 to 4 hours, stirring every 15-20 mins.
5. Add diced yellow pepper and spice measurements after the “+” sign (oregano, basil, parsley) and simmer for another 1-2 hours.
6. Make pasta according to package directions. After straining, spoon 3 large scoops of sauce into the pan with the pasta. Mix to coat. Serve on plates and then add several generous scoops of sauce to top the pasta. Sprinkle with a dash of red pepper flakes, if desired.
Save some for tomorrow's recipe - you should have quite enough.
And to Jess G. You can do it!
Dedicated especially to Joe-Daddy. I didn’t share all your ingredients, so don’t worry! I know you are chuckling about the ones I still don’t know…Thanks for teaching me to make real sauce. I know you’re with me every time I make it and I hope you can hear me talking to you while I stir in a little extra love.
Kathy’s Meditation:
“I choose wisely. I am more than just a body on autopilot. I am a thinking, rational, strong person who has pointed myself in the direction of ever-evolving wellness. I am no longer willing to do things just because they feel superficially or temporarily good. I want to experience a deeper sense of satisfaction now, which includes being responsible to myself and to the world around me. I know that sweating it through this period of discomfort will pay off. I choose wisely, and with each day, that wisdom lifts me to a higher level.”
I knew all this stuff about sugar, but my cells were so drugged and hungry for it, that I just couldn't stop.
ReplyDeleteAnd now I managed to eat no sugar at all for 16 full days, and I'm so proud and happy about this. Miran still can't believe, because I used to it sth sweet every single day.
And, yes, the peanut butter is a true lifesaver.
Pepsi means "Devil" in Ancient Egyptian. Your Liquid Satan moniker is surprisingly apt.
ReplyDeleteGo Zeljka!
ReplyDeletearphaX - Interesting fact! Thanks for sharing.