It’s a grey and rainy day and I’m looking at the dashboard clock. Traffic is heavier than usual and I’m driving in haste, replaying the busy of the day and cringing a bit as I race along.
Suddenly, I realize that the sun is setting a bit later as a shimmering strip of bright pink spills out over the dark gray cloud. The surprising streak lights its way through a tiny corner of the sky, winking hello and intimating sunshine’s return. I could have so easily missed that flirty, subtle slip of pink with its promise of hope, color, and warmth to come. What if I had been focused on the cars in front of me and the gloomy pall cast over buildings for my whole drive?
It makes me wonder what else I’ve missed. How many times have there been tiny, bright streaks of sunshine while I’m watching the road and whining about the busy? How many beautiful but brief moments of gratitude have passed me by?
That little moment filled my heart with joyful expectation that the warming season is coming, that life and days won’t always be so gray.
Just as we breathe through the tougher seasons of life, just as we dream of summer’s warmth on our shoulders, the sun waits. It’s not gone. We just can’t see its whole face yet.
I pray for the freedom of heart to stay focused on the beauty of life, on the richness that hides quietly inside this present moment.
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