Saturday, January 31, 2015

Day 20: Alishineyas, Warriors, and Ever-loving Illumination

Alishineya (ael-i-shin-ey-a): A woman waking up to her true power, her light; unearthing the divine journey of her soul.
Ex. I have been blessed to know many strong alisheneyas who have shined the light for me to notice that I, too, am exquisitely alive.

Alishen (ael-ee-shen): The male equivalent.

Today I was assigned a writing project to invent a new word and use it. I thought about how the word "warrior" really isn't used regularly for women. I love the word "bodhisattva." This word is not made up. It's a Buddhist word: "those who train whole-heartedly in awakening unconditional and relative bodhichitta are called bodhisattvas or warriors- not warriors who kill and harm but warriors of nonaggression who hear the cries of the world." Bodhichitta is basically strong mindfulness without fear or judgment and the "ability to keep our hearts and minds open without shutting down" according to Pema Chodron in The Places that Scare You.

As this 21-day cleanse is coming to a close, I've noticed more than ever the strong tie between body, mind, and spirit, even in focusing simply on the diet and what we choose to consume.

This cleanse has re-awakened my Spirit; it has settled into my heart. By loving myself enough to make the right food choices for me, I feel happier, lighter, more free.

Even my choices at the grocery store lift me up. Now I do my best to support companies that are trying to nourish us instead of contributing to those who fill their pockets, then fill their products with sugar and concentrated, over-processed starch, pointing at kids with diabetes and saying "exercise more." Or worse yet, the ones treating animals in a way that they could never fathom being treated.

Yes, there was a bit of frustration, anger, ranting on my part. For a moment, I wanted to get my sword and go to war. But I love the idea of keeping "our hearts and minds open without shutting down." When I was vegan before, I rather made a point to tell everyone what they are eating, all the time. I felt so passionately it was hard to watch people eat. But being so one-sided can lead others to shut down. Our hearts must be ready, too. This time, this cleanse, I committed body, mind, heart, and soul and it's made such a difference. I know that I tread more lightly upon the earth and my heart smiles.

Making such kind and gentle choices for myself and for the world can't help but trickle into other areas of my life, awakening new parts of the spiritual journey.

There are alishineyas everywhere. There's my friend Lisa, who is following her dream to move to Costa Rica. The many brave entrepreneurs in the community, risking everything, working lonely hours to make their dreams come true. The yoga teachers who share the light, many in their "free time" after full time jobs. There's my sister, Amy, who pours her whole self not only into teaching young children, but also into tirelessly supporting and inspiring other teachers, then going home to bathe her toddler in endless love and attention.

To everyone who is living with their eyes open, to everyone who pours their entire being into their lives, into serving others, into honoring themselves, you inspire me to be better. To the alisheneyas and alishens- thank you for joining me for however many footsteps along the journey. As your path is illuminated, gently, lovingly, let's shine light into the darkened spots and lonely hearts of the world so others may find the way.

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